Friday, February 11, 2011

What Are We After?

The belt buckles, PRs, finish times, awards, are all things to be grateful for when we receive them, but they will come and go. In a world (friends, family, outside observers) where results are often all that matter, we can be challenged to see through this illusionary concept.

Beyond the small talk, I feel we are really yearning for the experience, the journey. When we truly talk or reflect on a particular ultra event, we talk about the challenges, the beauty, the personal breakthroughs, and various other moments of personal experience during the event. The result is more often a mere side note.

Maybe when I wrote and re-read my result description, I gave it a proper position of personal importance but felt some kind of confusion with this realization. Not completely sure. But damn, what an experience!

Embrace the nectar, the 98.7%. The 1.3% will take care of itself.
The Journey.

- David Hanenburg (

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