Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 went by in a blink of an eye. Happy New Year to all !
Did more races in 2011 compared to before, 3 major local ultras. Wasn't satisfied with any of the results last year though more miles were done on the training runs.
2012, am very honored and happy to have Hammer Nutrition Singapore to come side to side to guide me through my races with fuels and information to get my to my desired goals. (Don't hesitate to ask me more on their products!) Have been analyzing my past ultras and realized my mistakes was on refueling more than training. Will be heading to HK for my first 100km on the trails with an elevation of 1000m on Tai Mo Shan. Completion will be my main target and hopefully towards more races in the coming months. 2012 also marks the close end to my school equals National Service drawing near. Like what Scott Jurek mentioned,

"Make time for friends, family and life outside of running."

& Happy 3 years girl!

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