Friday, January 9, 2009

School started with brand new modules and lecturers. Now with 2D Animation classes and also into 3D Modelling and Animation. 1 year passed in a blink of an eye and we're all in year 2 already. This year will be much busier with projects and assignments, as there will be of more work. Using softwares like ToonBoom and MAYA is never easy. Training wise intensity is slowly going up as fartlegs running start to come in. Training tmr at Kallang, should be going for long distance rowing again but with small boats. Lunar Chinese New Year coming very soon, have to get quite a few stuffs.

tags replied:
my: ohokay, see how again.
shancheng: hahaa, final year already right ? all the way ! [:
joey: erm, not sure if i can make it though. Good enough if you wish me. [:
lainer: Must be up to no good. lol !
niece: haha ! nooo. Today only 9th ! woo, WEEKENDS ! [:

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart,
but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.

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